Finance your social innovation – New funding toolkit released

Have you heard the latest news? The latest edition of the annual funding toolkit has been released! This new funding toolkit from the European Social Innovation Competition has been designed specifically to help early stage social innovators get their projects off the ground. The toolkit takes interested innovators through all steps, from laying the groundwork, how to access funding, early-stage finance tools and providers, specific EU funding opportunities and all the way through to next steps once funding is acquired....

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B Corp, il Covid ha accelerato il cambio di paradigma verso modelli di business sostenibili

In un anno in cui il mondo è stato messo in stand-by dal Covid, la trasformazione verso un nuovo modello di fare impresa, più sostenibile e attento ai suoi stakeholder ha avuto un’accelerazione senza precedenti. Il numero delle Società Benefit in Italia è infatti raddoppiato, arrivando a quota mille e sono 29 le aziende italiane che si sono certificate B Corp, il riconoscimento rilasciato dalla società americana non-profit B Lab, che certifica le aziende che volontariamente...

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There is no going back. The time to act is now had Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Price Laureate, social entrepreneur, banker, economist, civil society leader, and a great inspiration for our Impact Hub movement, in conversation with Gabriela Gandel, Executive Director of the Impact Hub Network, at LIVE with Impact Hub. During this truly inspiring session, he encourages everyone to seize the historic opportunity the pandemic has given us to “build new roads and reach new destinations.” To embark on a journey that can lead us...

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5 Books to Read to Be a Better Social Entrepreneur

Every now and then, a bit of inspiration can go a long way in providing a much-needed boost in combating burnout, overcoming obstacles, and making sense of day-to-day life as a changemaker. We chose an admittedly difficult gig, and it’s nice to be reminded of why we’re putting purpose before profit and choosing to make our world a better place. To inspire, inform, and generate ideas from the comfort of home, we’ve generally got three options: social impact documentaries, podcasts, and...

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B Corp e Società Benefit: una scelta strategica di business per rigenerare il mondo

Le imprese non possono più ignorare che i consumatori, attraverso scelte di consumo “etiche”, consapevoli e mirate, sono in grado di interferire sul loro business, e sul loro successo. Il modello B Corp/Società Benefit intercetta questa nuova esigenza e consente alle imprese di godere di uno status di “azienda che pratica la sostenibilità” e acquisire dunque un potenziale attrattivo maggiore rispetto alle concorrenti. L’impresa in questo modo si fa portatrice di un...

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